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What is Bitcoin2network?

"bitcoin2network is a Universal Private Digital Currency powered by a robust blockchain technology designed to provide decentralized P2P cross-border payments that are faster, cheaper, untraceable, and completely private. The project is proposed by a diverse team of technically competent individuals- well versed in distributed ledger technologies, cryptography, and economics. The mission of bitcoin2network project is to develop and implement the proposed technology solutions via open source community collaboration.

Full description of Bitcoin2network

"bitcoin2network is a Universal Private Digital Currency powered by a robust Blockchain (?) technology designed to provide Decentralized (?) P2P cross-border payments that are faster, cheaper, untraceable, and completely private. The project is proposed by a diverse team of technically competent individuals- well versed in distributed ledger technologies, cryptography, and economics. The mission of bitcoin2network project is to develop and implement the proposed technology solutions via open source community collaboration. The leading team of the project adheres to the ideology that an open source project must be developed by its community via non-monetary contributions. Therefore, the team has not relied on collecting an irrational amount of funds via an ICO (Initial Coin Offering) (?) or any other Token (?) sale event. Instead, it has delivered a state-of-the-art digital currency blockchain (B2N coin) to the community by investing their own personal funds, time and efforts. Despite these efforts, the ultimate success of this project is dependent upon community collaboration. bitcoin2netwrok is an equal opportunity project for everyone to get involved. The project introduces a unique development strategy that is NOT intended to accumulate a huge sum of money from people with a promise to develop and deliver the proposed technology. Instead, it offers B2N Coin (?) bounties in Exchange (or Cryptocurrency exchange) (?) for the invaluable time and skills contributed by the community members who actively participate in developing and promoting the project; therefore, 5% of B2N coin supply has been reserved to be allocated via these bounties."
  • Exchange symbol (?): B2N
  • Cryptocurrency type (?): Token (?)

Bitcoin2network for developers

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 Source: NOMICS