BCHNrBTC Synthetic Token Expiring 5 January 2021 logo

What is BCHNrBTC Synthetic Token Expiring 5 January 2021?

The BCHNrBTC token is built using the Expiring Multi Party (EMP) which is UMA's most current financial smart contract template.

Full description of BCHNrBTC Synthetic Token Expiring 5 January 2021

The BCHNrBTC Token (?) is built using the Expiring Multi Party (EMP) which is UMA's most current financial smart contract template. The BCHNrBTC token can be used for hedging or speculating on BCH prices. This is an experimental token, please use at your own risk.
  • Exchange symbol (?): BCHNRBTC-JAN-2021
  • Cryptocurrency type (?): Token (?)

BCHNrBTC Synthetic Token Expiring 5 January 2021 for developers

BCHNrBTC Synthetic Token Expiring 5 January 2021 social sites

 Source: NOMICS