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What is Bidesk?

The Bidesk native token ‘BDK’ is promoted by our platform.

Full description of Bidesk

The Bidesk native Token (?) ‘BDK’ is promoted by our platform. The total supply is 100 million which will never be increased. BDK token is a Decentralized (?) Blockchain (?) digital asset issued by Ethereum, based on the ERC20 standard token of Ethereum blockchain. Holders of the BDK token will enjoy multiple benefits and privileges. BDK will serve as an important medium of Exchange (or Cryptocurrency exchange) (?) for the entire Bidesk ecosystem. The usage scenarios of BDK will continue to evolve with the development of Bidesk’s business and functions.
  • Exchange symbol (?): BDK
  • Cryptocurrency type (?): Token (?)

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 Source: NOMICS