Baby Doge Token V1 (OLD) logo

What is Baby Doge Token V1 (OLD)?

Baby Doge Token is an experimental and decentralized currency on Binance Smart Chain.

Full description of Baby Doge Token V1 (OLD)

Baby Doge Token (?) is an experimental and Decentralized (?) currency on Binance exchange (?) Smart Chain. It is an opportunity for people to own a token at its early stage when prices can still multiply relatively easily. We locked 100% of the token in Pancakeswap and burn away the keys. There is also no tax involved in transactions.
  • Exchange symbol (?): BDT
  • Cryptocurrency type (?): Token (?)

Baby Doge Token V1 (OLD) for developers

Baby Doge Token V1 (OLD) social sites

 Source: NOMICS