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What is BeagleCake?

A Decentralized Meme Token for PancakeSwap Fans Worldwide BeagleCake is a token deployed on the Binance Smart Chain (BSC) that rewards holders in CAKE providing a source of passive income for our investors.

Full description of BeagleCake

A Decentralized (?) Meme Token (?) for PancakeSwap Fans Worldwide BeagleCake is a token deployed on the Binance exchange (?) Smart Chain (BSC) that rewards holders in CAKE providing a source of passive income for our investors. BeagleCake rewards holders automatically to their Wallet (?) in the form of CAKE rather than more tokens. RFI-Static rewards incentivize investors for holding tokens which leads to a vibrant ecosystem for all holders. Usually, tokens reward their holders with more of the project token. By offering CAKE as a reward our holders receive a token with proven steady growth while also holding a share in BEAGLE.
  • Exchange symbol (?): BEAGLECAKE
  • Cryptocurrency type (?): Token (?)

BeagleCake for developers

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 Source: NOMICS