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What is EOS Cafe?

EOS Cafe is a network of people who love coffee, crypto, and freedom. The BEAN token incentivises growth in our network and enables the exchange of value between members. Our simple enterprise staking contract allows anyone from any part of earth to start an enterprise and earn BEAN tokens based on the value they provide to our members.

Full description of EOS Cafe

EOS Cafe is a network of people who love coffee, crypto, and freedom. The BEAN Token (?) incentivises growth in our network and enables the Exchange (or Cryptocurrency exchange) (?) of value between members. Our simple enterprise Staking (?) contract allows anyone from any part of earth to start an enterprise and earn BEAN tokens based on the value they provide to our members.
  • Exchange symbol (?): BEAN
  • Cryptocurrency type (?): Token (?)

EOS Cafe for developers

EOS Cafe social sites

 Source: NOMICS