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What is Bitpanda Ecosystem Token?

The Bitpanda Ecosystem Token (BEST) is the first Initial Exchange Offering (IEO) conducted by Bitpanda and will be immediately listed on the upcoming Bitpanda Global Exchange.

Full description of Bitpanda Ecosystem Token

The Bitpanda Ecosystem Token (?) (BEST) is the first Initial Exchange (or Cryptocurrency exchange) (?) Offering (IEO) conducted by Bitpanda and will be immediately listed on the upcoming Bitpanda Global Exchange. BEST will give Bitpanda’s users a variety of rewards, perks and benefits. To reduce the supply, a part of the BEST spent on fees on the Bitpanda platform will be constantly burned until 50% of the total BEST supply is destroyed.
  • Exchange symbol (?): BEST
  • Cryptocurrency type (?): Token (?)

Bitpanda Ecosystem Token for developers

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 Source: NOMICS