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What is BitUnits Fermium?

BitUnits is a peer-to-peer worldwide payment network.

Full description of BitUnits Fermium

BitUnits is a peer-to-peer worldwide payment network. It has some of the lowest processing fees on the market and is secured by Ethereum based Blockchains. The true value of BitUnits lies in educating people on the benefits of Blockchain (?) adoption and the effects that will ripple throughout our society. Specifically in regards to how we transfer value, store data, and records, and increase transparency and security. For this purpose, we have decided not to have an ICO (Initial Coin Offering) (?) for Token (?) distribution. Our goal is to first educate people on the various applications of blockchain and the best way to develop familiarity is to use Cryptocurrency (?) first hand. This is why we give away our tokens to anyone who wants to learn and be apart of the evolution.
  • Exchange symbol (?): BFM
  • Cryptocurrency type (?): Token (?)

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 Source: NOMICS