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What is BitGourde?

BitGourde is the First Haitian-Made DeFi token on Polygon network, with the aim as a intro into blockchain technology and crypto to Haitians, economy Decentralization in Haiti, and the creation of the first Decentralized Health-Care system in the world, in Haiti

Full description of BitGourde

BitGourde is the First Haitian-Made DeFi (Decentralized Finance) (?) Token (?) on Polygon network, with the aim as a intro into Blockchain (?) technology and Crypto (?) to Haitians, economy Decentralization in Haiti, and the creation of the first Decentralized (?) Health-Care system in the world, in Haiti
  • Exchange symbol (?): BGH
  • Cryptocurrency type (?): Token (?)

BitGourde for developers

BitGourde social sites

 Source: NOMICS