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What is Blastoff?

Blastoff Finance is the most advanced RFI static reflection token on the market and the first of its kind to distribute rewards to NFT owners.

Full description of Blastoff

Blastoff Finance is the most advanced RFI static reflection Token (?) on the market and the first of its kind to distribute rewards to NFT (Non-Fungible Token) (?) owners. Every transaction made with the BLAST token a 10% tax occurs split into the following fees: 5% is locked as liquidity on Pancakeswap and the LP tokens are burned by the contract 2% is burned 2% is used for automated hold rewards 1% is claimable for NFT owners The Blastoff Finance DApp launched with NFT's that generate a passive income based on the trading volume of our BLAST token and 2 liquidity farms to distribute the BLAST token.
  • Exchange symbol (?): BLAST
  • Cryptocurrency type (?): Token (?)

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 Source: NOMICS