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What is Inferno?

We are creating a currency that burns at a 3% rate of the course of its token life span.

Full description of Inferno

We are creating a currency that burns at a 3% rate of the course of its Token (?) life span. While 2% of every transaction will be burnt forever, 1% goes back to The Inferno Token Foundation community project of the month selected by the Inferno community. Also, as part of the 1 million airdrop available on our website. For every claim on the site another transaction will be created to return to the team. This fund will be used for airdrops, bounties, competitions and Exchange (or Cryptocurrency exchange) (?) listings. With creation of new tokens while tokens are being burned this will enhance to token life span and create an economically stable token to ensure the ITF and token are here to stay. The Inferno Token Foundation was founded to support different groups and competitions in the community. The original plan was to donate 1% of all transaction to a Crypto (?) charity or foundation. We found that upon further inspection this was harder than we thought as none of the established organizations accepted tokens. So, the 1% will go to the ITF and the community will decide where these funds will be best utilized. From sponsoring a game tournament to increase crypto awareness to helping out disaster relief anywhere in the world. As a community the ITF will help for crypto awareness worldwide.
  • Exchange symbol (?): BLAZE
  • Cryptocurrency type (?): Token (?)

Inferno for developers

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 Source: NOMICS