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What is BlossomCoin?

BlossomCoin is a new charity token that aims to tackle the climate change and deforestation crisis, by donating a portion of all transactions to charities directly tackling these problems. To sustainably achieve this we charge a 11% tax on all transactions.

Full description of BlossomCoin

BlossomCoin is a new charity Token (?) that aims to tackle the climate change and deforestation crisis, by donating a portion of all transactions to charities directly tackling these problems. To sustainably achieve this we charge a 11% tax on all transactions. 5% is distributed to existing holders, 5% is burned and 1% is donated directly to the charity wallet.
  • Exchange symbol (?): BLOSM
  • Cryptocurrency type (?): Token (?)

BlossomCoin for developers

BlossomCoin social sites

 Source: NOMICS