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What is Blox Token?

From the creators of the Zilliqa platform zilFlip comes ZilliqaRoyale — a first of its kind blockchain-powered battle royale game running on Minecraft.

Full description of Blox Token

From the creators of the Zilliqa platform zilFlip comes ZilliqaRoyale — a first of its kind blockchain-powered battle royale game running on Minecraft. The project aims to bring innovation to the Zilliqa network by being a proof-of-concept that demonstrates how games can be integrated with Blockchain (?) technology seamlessly. Players will be able to directly tokenize virtually any in-game asset into an NFT, using the Minecraft<>Zilliqa network bridge developed in-house by the ZilFlip team. By playing ZilliqaRoyale or providing BLOX Token (?) liquidity, players can stand to earn loot boxes containing randomised items — ranging from resellable in-game cosmetics (NFTs with rarity) to straight-up ZIL tokens. Along with the BattleRoyale game, the team will also be launching its very own NFT (Non-Fungible Token) (?) marketplace where players can conduct trades and sell the tokenized game assets. It is also designed to be modular to empower future Zilliqa projects to easily tokenize their game assets using ZilliqaRoyale as a base.
  • Exchange symbol (?): BLOX
  • Cryptocurrency type (?): Token (?)

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 Source: NOMICS