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What is BMToken?

BeepMagnet Token ( BM Token) is a utility token of Beepmagnet Group that supports BMCT coin.

Full description of BMToken

BeepMagnet Token (?) ( BM Token) is a utility token of Beepmagnet Group that supports BMCT coin. BM Token represents a true digital Token on Ethereum Blockchain (?) designed to be adopted through a Decentralized (?) medium based on spending power that a consumer spends across merchants. When You think of a consumer Loyalty Token that is supported with 11 use cases, BM Token is designed to fill this Gap. BM Token is designed to support BMCT Coin (?) SWAP for speed and Decentralization on a 1:1 ratio. This means BMCT coin holders can SWAP their BMCT coins to BM Token at any time. BeepMagnet group has created a hybrid ECOsystem that supports Ethereum blockchain ( BM Token) and BMCT Blockchain ( BMCT Coins ). Beepmagnet group is combining Ethereum blockchain using BMToken with a Ticker (BMT) and BMCT Blockchain with a Ticker ( BMCT) to revolutionize consumer loyalty. BMCT IS NOT TRADEABLE ON PUBLIC MARKET, BUT IT CAN BE SWAPPED 1:1 FOR BMT (BMTOKEN)
  • Exchange symbol (?): BMT
  • Cryptocurrency type (?): Token (?)

BMToken for developers

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 Source: NOMICS