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What is BNBGlobal V2?

BNBGlobal is a deflationary low tax token with 3% BNBGlobal reflections, so the amount of tokens you posses will increase.

Full description of BNBGlobal V2

BNBGlobal is a deflationary low tax Token (?) with 3% BNBGlobal reflections, so the amount of tokens you posses will increase. Holding is key! Additionally, BNBGlobal will offer mini and casino games where you have the chance to win big amounts of BNBGlobal tokens! Later, there will be developed an Auction platform to buy "spectacular" goods and items with your BNBGlobal tokens. This is revolutionary in the cryptomarket and will be the first token which will ever create a platform in his kind!
  • Exchange symbol (?): BNBG
  • Cryptocurrency type (?): Token (?)

BNBGlobal V2 for developers

BNBGlobal V2 social sites

 Source: NOMICS