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What is BrainSwap?

🧠High Grade Yield Farming for High Grade Degens 🧠 The first to offer Balancer Pool Token Farms on Polygon and with only a 1% deposit fee 🥇 MAI (miMATIC- Polygon stable) token staking 👍 Low supply.

Full description of BrainSwap

🧠High Grade Yield Farming for High Grade Degens 🧠 The first to offer Balancer Pool Token (?) Farms on Polygon and with only a 1% deposit fee 🥇 MAI (miMATIC- Polygon stable) token Staking (?) 👍 Low supply. Community focused. NFT (Non-Fungible Token) (?) farming, and Lottery in development. 🧠 No dev tokens and no 10% dev share from farms like the others. 💪 3% Lifetime Referral bonus Initial Supply: 30 Maximum Supply: 30k Tax / Fee: Yes, Automatic LP Acquisition, max 25%, launch day 10%, default 3% Token Emission: 0.01 $BRAIN per Block (?) (432 $BRAIN Daily)
  • Exchange symbol (?): BRAIN
  • Cryptocurrency type (?): Token (?)

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 Source: NOMICS