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What is Brank?

Brank is the utility token for; the gamification of crypto trading.

Full description of Brank

Brank is the utility Token (?) for; the gamification of Crypto (?) trading. The platform allows you to learn how to become a better day trader through interactive live tournaments risk free. If you're a seasoned trader you can jump in paid tournaments (pay to play) to compete against other traders. Whoever can increase their portfolio the most using simulated funds wins! Those in the winning margin will receive Brank or Busd rewards. The token has a 1% distribution for Holders, Liquidity, and the Dev wallet. The platform itself is a over a year old.
  • Exchange symbol (?): BRANK
  • Cryptocurrency type (?): Token (?)

Brank for developers

Brank social sites

 Source: NOMICS