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What is tudaBirds (Solana)?

The tudaBirds metaNest is an economically and environmentally sustainable strategic delivery vehicle designed to attract players, collectors, investors, speculators, and users of all interests, with our delivery targets including: 1.

Full description of tudaBirds (Solana)

The tudaBirds metaNest is an economically and environmentally sustainable strategic delivery vehicle designed to attract players, collectors, investors, speculators, and users of all interests, with our delivery targets including: 1. A unique, value-add NFT-integrated Token (?) economy 2. Active and passive revenue shares directly benefiting users, players, collectors, investors, and holders of both $BURD and our NFTS 3. Evolving avatar NFTs: tradeable and user-reminting of multiple-asset NFTs 4. Shallow fee structures and gas using the BSC and Solana blockchains
  • Exchange symbol (?): BURD
  • Cryptocurrency type (?): Token (?)

tudaBirds (Solana) for developers

tudaBirds (Solana) social sites

 Source: NOMICS