Global Crypto Alliance logo

What is Global Crypto Alliance?

The Global Crypto Alliance constitutes a borderless organization that specializes in decentralized business development and blockchain ecosystems. The CALL smart contract has rendered a multi-utility ERC777 token that will be leveraged both inside and outside the GCNews ecosystem, facilitating a smart voting platform hosted by an ERC777-based Dapp (among several partner entities) and expanding into additional business segments such as rental applications.

Full description of Global Crypto Alliance

The Global Crypto (?) Alliance constitutes a borderless organization that specializes in Decentralized (?) business development and Blockchain (?) ecosystems. The CALL smart contract has rendered a multi-utility ERC777 Token (?) that will be leveraged both inside and outside the GCNews ecosystem, facilitating a smart voting platform hosted by an ERC777-based Dapp (among several partner entities) and expanding into additional business segments such as rental applications.
  • Exchange symbol (?): CALL
  • Cryptocurrency type (?): Token (?)

Global Crypto Alliance for developers

Global Crypto Alliance social sites

 Source: NOMICS