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What is Camouflage.eth?

CAMO is a privacy network contract grafted under Ethereum.

Full description of Camouflage.eth

CAMO is a privacy network contract grafted under Ethereum. The Alpha version will be released this month. -When the user transfers money using the CAMO contract, the Token (?) will be transferred in the random privacy wallet, and the addresses of the sender and receiver will be anonymous. -The Deep Modes privacy layer of CAMO also allows users to visit websites, DeFi (Decentralized Finance) (?) and DAPP completely anonymously as mirror images. -The first DAPP game based on the CAMO contract is under development. Users will be able to transfer funds anonymously and retrieve smart contracts.
  • Exchange symbol (?): CAMO
  • Cryptocurrency type (?): Token (?)

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 Source: NOMICS