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What is CDL Token?

CoinDeal exchange created its own Token to give it for free to its users.

Full description of CDL Token

CoinDeal Exchange (or Cryptocurrency exchange) (?) created its own Token (?) to give it for free to its users. It was the first Token in the world to be distributed free of charge to so many people. It was as many as 87549 users of the Coindeal exchange! 45 000 000 000 Tokens were distributed, which is 90% of all created Tokens. When the market opened for CDL, which took place on November 12, 2019, the value of all Tokens was 1 129 382 USD (382 BTC)! Now, CDL is available in a pair with BTC. The pairs planned for the near future are CDL/EUR and CDL/USDT. Additionally, the exchange offers many benefits from having CDL Tokens on your account, like lower trading fees. You can read about it on the official Token website.
  • Exchange symbol (?): CDL
  • Cryptocurrency type (?): Token (?)

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 Source: NOMICS