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What is Celsius?

Celsius (CEL) is a utility token developed on the Ethereum platform.

Full description of Celsius

Celsius (CEL) is a utility Token (?) developed on the Ethereum platform. It provides access to exclusive financial services on excellent terms and helps to get better interest rates. Celsius Network Limited that stands behind the project was launched in 2017. Headquartered in New York, it also has offices in Tel Aviv, New Jersey, and London. The company was founded by Alex Mashinsky, the inventor of VOIP (Voice Over Internet Protocol) that is patented under his name. VOIP proved to be a truly disruptive technology in the Telecom industry. Now Alex Mashinsky works on the new technology named Money Over IP to disrupt the financial sector. It is designed to remove all inadequacies of traditional payment methods, which were never intended for online commerce. Celsius’ goals The goal of the Celsius Network is to arrange the borrowing procedure without employing the banking services. It offers to redistribute profits among the members of the community. The company has chosen this way to help its users in this sensitive issue and 80% of profits are redistributed among them. The goal of the network is to give users the possibility to earn on cryptocurrencies without taking risks in the unknown sphere. In accordance with the concept of the project, any person can be both a borrower and a lender in case they have digital assets. The ultimate goal of the project is rather ambitious – to replace Wall Street. The company doesn’t approve of the current state of affairs in the financial world where the banks serve the interests of the rich ones. The founder of the project urges the Cryptocurrency (?) community to avoid the mistakes of the past and create a fairer world. Celsius Network The Celsius Network is a lending company that alleviates borrowing and lending procedures using cryptocurrencies. Borrowers get access to Fiat (?) money after they place their digital assets as collateral. The amount of interest is minimal. The other party also takes advantage of the deal getting profits on interest rates for Crypto (?) coins deposited on the digital Wallet (?) within the network. The cryptocurrency investors with locked up crypto funds shouldn’t sell their assets in case of unexpected expenditures. It’s possible to put them up as collateral to get access to fiat money, though. It allows holding the asset in the portfolio, especially, if one is sure that its price will rise considerably. The payment of an interest rate seems to be a better option in this case. Then the person just repays the loan on the due date but doesn’t lose the digital assets and, consequently, makes use of the profits they provide. The person pays just a small amount for keeping crypto in his or her portfolio. Celsius allows to keep your cryptocurrencies and get access to real money. Instead of keeping cryptocurrencies on the cold storage, people may offer their possessions to other people and earn interest. There are some cryptocurrency enthusiasts that would be glad to earn on trading but it requires certain knowledge, therefore, they select a safer solution using assets for crypto lending and paying the interest for that. It is planned to create the platform combining multi-blockchain nodes and auto-trading on numerous exchanges. The goal of the founders is to create excellent user experience thanks to the development of smart predictive algorithms designed to reduce risks, lower rates and increase profits. Creating a safe and powerful platform is also one of the goals of the company, so they try their best to make it grow. For instance, the loan is offered in fiat money as well to attract people to the community and help it grow and develop. Those who deposit their cryptocurrencies on the Celsius Network can earn up to 9% interest on the amount lent to other members of the community. The service is going to introduce different variants of lending. One can conclude a 1-day contract or a 1-year contract at a competitive interest rate. It’s just about the same as placing a deposit in a bank but the rates are higher. Celsius ICO Celsius Network raised 50 million USD in May 2018 during the initial Coin (?) offering. Any interested party could purchase the CEL tokens then or alternatively earn them later as interest. In May 2019, the deposited amount exceeded 200 million USD with more than 1,2 billion USD involved in coin loan origination. At the time of writing, these figures have exceeded 300 million USD and 4,25 billion USD correspondingly. Celsius Wallet was released in 2018. The total supply of CEL equals to 700,000,000 coins. It is traded on Binance, Nexo, and BlockFi. In June 2019, the company acquired BSave, a platform that provides earning interest income on cryptocurrency. After the purchase, the company obtained access to its yield generating algorithms, which were originally developed by BSave. It also retained the employees, developers and even CTO and co-founder of Bsave who had just joined the team at that time. At the time of writing, Celsius Network supports interest income for 16 different cryptocurrencies and pays interest on a weekly basis. Users may select earning BTC on BTC, ETH on ETH or, for higher rewards, CEL on CEL. The coins in the Celsius wallet can be used as collateral to get a loan in stablecoins or USD. The interest rate varies and can be 4.95%, 6.95% or 8.95% depending on the amount of collateral. The funds are distributed in the following way: Loan Reserves - 20,209,500 USD; Operation and Management - 6,487,000 USD; Research and Development - $5,988,000 USD; Legal and Regulatory - 5,489,000 USD; General and Administrative expenses - 5,489,000 USD; Sales and Marketing - 4,241,500 USD; Lenders’ Insurance Pool - 1,996,000 USD. Token Allocation: Presale - 40%; Crowdsale - 10%; Treasury - 27%; Partners - 2% ; Advisors – 2%; Team – 19%. In January 2020, Celsius announced its partnership with Korbit to manage a portion of their treasury and with the COTI network enabling the users to earn interest and get access to loans in the COTI network. Celsius team The initial concept was formed in mid-2017. The team includes over 10 developers with experience in creating mobile wallets for lenders. The founder of the company Alex Mashinsky is a serial entrepreneur with 35 success stories in the past. He owns ventures worth of billion dollars as his VoIP technology dates back to 1994. Now he is promoting his MoIP (Money over the Internet) protocol. In addition, he has over 30 patents related to exchanges, messaging, communication and VoIP protocols. He was awarded many times for innovations, and also received prestigious “entrepreneur of the year” nominations. The Founding President and COO is Daniel Leon, former CEO of Atlis Labs, Beyon3D, chairman of HereO and general Manager of GroundLink and vice president with the Gallup Organization. The co-founder and CTO of the project is Nuke Goldstein, the CEO and founder of Sevenpop, a leading interactive music technology provider to hundreds of hotels and shopping centers across Israel.
  • Exchange symbol (?): CEL
  • Cryptocurrency type (?): Token (?)

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 Source: NOMICS