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What is Cerberus Inu?

Cerberus Inu ( $Cerberus) is launching on Metis Network ! A fork of Zeus10K, Cerberus Inu is a highly deflationary token with a limited supply of 10,000.

Full description of Cerberus Inu

Cerberus Inu ( $Cerberus) is launching on Metis Network ! A Fork (?) of Zeus10K, Cerberus Inu is a highly deflationary Token (?) with a limited supply of 10,000. Every transaction will ensure to have a dynamic burn mechanism intergrated accordingly to the size of the price impact, making it an ever increasing floor price due to token being constantly burnt ! The dynamic burn depends on the size of the transaction, to offset a big sell more token will be burnt to not impact the price. Cerberus Inu, the dog of Hades will burn all these early sellers and put these soul into the Underworld, forever. Tokenomics Buy Tax 9.09% Sell Tax: 7.07% + Dynamic Burn up to 5% Slippage: 15%
  • Exchange symbol (?): CERBERUS2
  • Cryptocurrency type (?): Token (?)

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 Source: NOMICS