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What is Ceres?

Ceres is one of the first fully developed projects on Sora blockchain - future Polkadot parachain.

Full description of Ceres

Ceres is one of the first fully developed projects on Sora Blockchain (?) - future Polkadot parachain. First DeFi (Decentralized Finance) (?) services and utility Token (?) on Polkaswap (Cross-chain Exchange (or Cryptocurrency exchange) (?) on Polkadot) and Sora (XOR) ecosystem. Ceres ecosystem consists of 4 tokens: Ceres, Demeter, Hermes and Apollo. Each of the tokens will have its own platform with different purposes. Fees from those platforms will be used for burning Ceres and charity. Our first platform (Ceres platform) will be Liquidity locker for Polkaswap. Other features from Ceres ecosystem can be found on official site cerestoken.io. Team is public. Ceres team is closely related and working with official Sora team.
  • Exchange symbol (?): CERES
  • Cryptocurrency type (?): Token (?)

Ceres for developers

Ceres social sites

 Source: NOMICS