What is ChipCoin?

What is ChipCoin? ChipCoin is a token ERC-20 that has a varied goal, the token has mainly been created to do charity to people who have nothing or have little, for those who if they have the token it is used for games, from time to time there will be draws with prizes on CHIP, apart from all that the token serves any kind of utility, whether buying other Crypto coins, buying Online.

Full description of ChipCoin

What is ChipCoin? ChipCoin is a Token (?) ERC-20 that has a varied goal, the token has mainly been created to do charity to people who have nothing or have little, for those who if they have the token it is used for games, from time to time there will be draws with prizes on CHIP, apart from all that the token serves any kind of utility, whether buying other Crypto (?) coins, buying Online. Etc... The token is a Semi-new project right now, so we've only listed it in an Exchange (or Cryptocurrency exchange) (?) (Bamboorelay), it still doesn't have a website (it will soon have). Our goal right now is to list in the bot CcStipAndTrade, but that's been a little difficult so far. It is estimated that the token will be listed in bot CcS by mid-February 2020.
  • Exchange symbol (?): CHIP
  • Cryptocurrency type (?): Token (?)

ChipCoin for developers

ChipCoin social sites

 Source: NOMICS