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What is Cliffnobi?

$CLIFFNOBI is a deflationary token on the Ethereum network that continuously removes tokens out of the supply and grows the liquidity pool to create an evergrowing price floor.

Full description of Cliffnobi

$CLIFFNOBI is a deflationary Token (?) on the Ethereum network that continuously removes tokens out of the supply and grows the liquidity pool to create an evergrowing price floor. $CLIFFNOBI will hold a Decentralized (?) autonomous organization that will help show the weight of the holders perspectives to help influence the direction of the project. Once established, $CLIFFNOBI will acquire a NAAS or Nodes as a Service utility. Additionally, $CLIFFNOBI will hold stealthy tokenomic events accelerating the incremental price floor process.
  • Exchange symbol (?): CLIFFNOBI
  • Cryptocurrency type (?): Token (?)

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 Source: NOMICS