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What is CashPay?

CashPay ($CPZ) is an TRC20 token, built to tokenize and benefit the ecosystem of merchants, producers and consumers to grow the decentralised online retail.

Full description of CashPay

CashPay ($CPZ) is an TRC20 token, built to tokenize and benefit the ecosystem of merchants, producers and consumers to grow the decentralised online retail. The stakeholders will receive multiple benefits as they become a part of the CashPay ecosystem. CashPay ($CPZ) is a unique Token (?) project, it has a full-fledged team of promoters and advisors with a clear vision and mission for CashPay token along with a solid media presence. CashPay facilitates transactions in the following three products – a Global Online Store, a Payment Gateway and a Merchant Wallet (?) to serve all the layers of the e-commerce segment.
  • Exchange symbol (?): CPZ
  • Cryptocurrency type (?): Token (?)

CashPay for developers

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 Source: NOMICS