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What is Capitalsharetoken?

CSTO tokens are ERC20 tokens based on the Ethereum blockchain and are the ubiquitous transactional tokens for the exchange of cryptocurrencies and fiat currencies.

Full description of Capitalsharetoken

CSTO tokens are ERC20 tokens based on the Ethereum Blockchain (?) and are the ubiquitous transactional tokens for the Exchange (or Cryptocurrency exchange) (?) of cryptocurrencies and Fiat (?) currencies. It is the Token (?) that drives each transaction, payment and service in Asia Pacific on the CSPay Platform. CSTO Token is a unit of value of the CSPay Platform which creates to self-govern its business model and empowers the platform users to interact with its cross border mobile Crypto (?) payment services, while facilitating the distribution and sharing benefits and rewards to all the platform stakeholders. The velocity of the CSTO Token is inversely proportional to the value of the token. It means the longer the CSTO Token holders hold the CSTOs for, the higher the price of each CSTO Token. A thorough, well-structured and sustainable token strategy will be adopted by CSPay Platform for maintaining CSTO Token’s velocity within the Goldilocks Zone in the initial and in the long run. It will help indicate the healthiness and the strongness of the CSPay Economy which will sustainably grow CSTO’s price. In order to ensure a healthy CSTO token economy and sustainable CSTO token value, the following CSTO token economy design with multiple token velocity altering levers will optimize the ratio of transaction volume and the time that a token holder holds a token before using it to make a transaction. It eventually builds up a new circular cross border mobile payment ecosystem which disrupting the traditional network.
  • Exchange symbol (?): CSTO
  • Cryptocurrency type (?): Token (?)

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 Source: NOMICS