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What is Cultonomics?

CULT is a BEP-20 token featuring:1.8 Trillion token total supply; 1 Trillion Max Supply; 6 decimal point fungibility; 15% PancakeSwap buy fees; 20% PancakeSwap sell fees; No fees applied to other transfers;A systematic reserve mechanic that allows for automatic token buyback and recycling.

Full description of Cultonomics

CULT is a BEP-20 Token (?) featuring:1.8 Trillion token total supply; 1 Trillion Max Supply; 6 decimal point fungibility; 15% PancakeSwap buy fees; 20% PancakeSwap sell fees; No fees applied to other transfers;A systematic reserve mechanic that allows for automatic token buyback and recycling. 1.1 Billion Circulating Supply.
  • Exchange symbol (?): CULT
  • Cryptocurrency type (?): Token (?)

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 Source: NOMICS