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What is Content Value Network (ERC-20)?

CVNT is an ERC-20 token released by Conscious Value Network or CVN for its development and the implementation of features it was designed for.

Full description of Content Value Network (ERC-20)

CVNT is an ERC-20 Token (?) released by Conscious Value Network or CVN for its development and the implementation of features it was designed for. It was created on the basis of a new generation of public chain infrastructure that includes primarily a distributed database cloud. This is one of the most essential functions of the network that is capable of turning Cloud Storage into a hashrate of marketplaces. The facility has more than 100 supernodes at its disposal that support the functionality of the system and make it run smoothly. The goals of Conscious Value Network The team of the platform is committed to solving such issues in the sphere of Blockchain (?) as low performance, complicated development works, insufficient security, and high dependence on maintenance fees for blockchain apps. The platform tries to implement the tasks of performance expansion and Decentralized (?) storage of distributed apps. Distributed storage capability developed by the CVN team helps to improve the blockchain and remove the bottlenecks that occur due to imperfections of the system. The essence of CVNT storage cloud storage is to become an analog of AliCloud or Amazon cloud in the field of distributed data storage, which can support enterprise-grade decentralized data transfer/storage services and complex dApps. Also, the CVN team is concerned about the small scale of using applications and the low role of blockchain technologies as the driving force of the actual industry. Trying to improve the situation, the facility contributes to the mass adoption of blockchain technology. CVN technologies CVN can support tens of thousands of commercial distributed applications running simultaneously, with Block (?) heights of nearly 50 million, supporting 100 super-nodes, TPS/CTP over 50,000, high concurrent main chain processing speed, and low processing costs. The company is focused on large-scale implementation of dApps (Decentralized Application) (?) at the commercial level, supporting the migration of projects, digitization of enterprise traditional assets, and incorporating BAAS technology into business. The platform employs the RR dVod technology that is needed to build applications faster and better and to create simple and feasible economic models. RR dVod is the app that exceeds competing products in terms of data, traffic, and product maturity. At a later stage, CVNT also plans to provide the tools needed to build a blockchain for applications. The creation of blockchain templates allows users to choose from various protocol options and pluggable components (e.g. Consensus (?) model). Thus, CVN can significantly lower the threshold for developers. In addition, the main chain has such characteristics as high concurrent processing speed and low processing fees to attract more developers. This allows the CVN platform to enter the market with a large number of commercial applications and quickly form the platform's ecosystem. CVN, as the backbone enterprise in the world of blockchain 3.0, completed a consensus and technical solution upgrade in August 2020, building VRF (Verifiable Random Function) consensus on the main chain along with the PoST (Proof of Spacetime). The technology employed by CVN can provide a stable core network, technical support, and Node (?) services so that every node/user can enjoy value equally. Its excellent high-speed network can also smoothly execute all kinds of rich RR dVod functions (applications), improve transmission quality, and greatly reduce the cost of content transmission network bandwidth. CVN can revolutionize the traditional video platform industry. The CVN network provides account authentication, database (cloud storage), asynchronous communication, and program scheduling across tens of thousands of processors or clusters. CVNT mining CVNT tokens are mined with the help of a special method that is based on computing power, which is the major factor that affects Mining (?) performance. One must have some computing power at hand to start the mining activity. It’s possible to create your own mining pool or join the existing one, though one miner can join one pool only. 1 unit of computing power is equal to 1 CVNT. The mining pool works for a year after its activation. Those who initiated the creation of a mining pool can’t join other mining pools. A mining pool gets rewards every week. A bonus of 2% can be obtained for new computational power received during a week. The mining rewards are received by miners on a daily basis. It’s possible to earn funds additionally with the help of the referral program launched by the team. The reward depends upon the type of referrals that are classified as direct and non-direct. CVN partnerships CVNT partners with YYeTs that works over the development of the next generation of the decentralized video system. Using RR dVod technology, it aims to integrate a global content distribution platform based on the self-distribution characteristics of high-quality content, a wide audience range and high user engagement, to drive and cultivate content consumer payment habits in digital currency, increase the total number of global users of digital assets, and help ordinary people quickly cross the threshold and enter the era of digital asset consumption. The breakthrough advantage of RR dVod lies in the complete transfer of the user pool and the data pool accumulated by YYeTs as a native Internet project over 16 years into the blockchain. RR dVod can generate large amounts of data every day, which can quickly push you to build a CVNT network based on the highest quality video content. Based on the transmission of CVNT over an encrypted network, the daily download by fans can be as high as 150TB. The resource offers 90% of American TV series and 100% of Japanese TV series in China. CVNT token The CVNT token plays a dual role: a settlement token and a governance token. The price is based on the relationship between supply and demand in the market. It is a true application token that can fully penetrate the application and incentive layer of the CVNT network. The settlement token is well understood. Every CVNT transaction depends on CVNT, including transaction processing fees, Cloud Storage fees, all RR dVod Functional Value vouchers, BaaS fees, contract consumption, etc.
  • Exchange symbol (?): CVNT
  • Cryptocurrency type (?): Token (?)

Content Value Network (ERC-20) for developers

Content Value Network (ERC-20) social sites

 Source: NOMICS