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What is CZDiamond?

Darkside Finance is the only truly user-owned yield farm.

Full description of CZDiamond

Darkside Finance is the only truly user-owned yield farm. All pools and farms yield two tokens! CZDIAMOND is an ownership token, and stakers receive 75% of all deposit fees and 50% of all other platform revenue as USDC dividends. DARK Token (?) price support receives 25% of deposit fees and 50% of other platform revenue. Darkside Finance is Layer 3 in the yield farming system by Sugandese Tokens. The other layers have been PolyWantsACracker and Stadium Arcadium. In this layer, the platform adds an on-chain OTC engine, slots and more gambling games, and a Lootbox contract for indirect buybacks.
  • Exchange symbol (?): CZDIAMOND
  • Cryptocurrency type (?): Token (?)

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 Source: NOMICS