What is DGLD?

DGLD is best understood as a digital proof of ownership of allocated gold.

Full description of DGLD

DGLD is best understood as a digital proof of ownership of allocated gold. It provides the convenience of a gold ETF with the independence of physical gold ownership and the 24/7 nature of digital assets. Before a new Token (?) is created, LBMA gold is allocated, placed in a Swiss vault, and DGLD representing that specific gold is created and sent to a DGLD wallet. Ownership of DGLD is 'proven' via the Bitcoin blockchain. This simple approach unleashes gold and renders it both digitally usable and physically redeemable on GOLD AVENUE.
  • Exchange symbol (?): DGLD
  • Cryptocurrency type (?): Token (?)

DGLD for developers

DGLD social sites

 Source: NOMICS