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What is Dike?

Dike 11 Coin has been produced by using Smart Contract on TRC-20 platform of Tron blockchain in October 2020.

Full description of Dike

Dike 11 Coin (?) has been produced by using Smart Contract on TRC-20 platform of Tron Blockchain (?) in October 2020. The development purpose of DIKE Token (?) is make transaction easier with minute gas fees on blockchain. DIKE will perform as utility token in blockchain financial system. Token know as Dike 11 has initially 40 crore supply with 8 digit precision. 30 Crore Coin (DIKE) will be in market circulation where 10 crore Coin will be used by company for system maintenance, development, expansion and company promotional thing.
  • Exchange symbol (?): DIKE
  • Cryptocurrency type (?): Token (?)

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 Source: NOMICS