What is Demonic Doge?

Demonic Doge is a rewards token which provides DogeCoin rewards to its holders.

Full description of Demonic Doge

Demonic Doge is a rewards Token (?) which provides DogeCoin rewards to its holders. It is a utility Coin (?) running on the Binance exchange (?) Smart Chain and all rewards are airdropped directly into holders’ wallets. Demonic Doge is aiming to bring about virality through its choice of name and logo. Whilst paying homage to Elon Musk and the coin which is endorsed by him Dogecoin we believe in the potential of this project to do well. Our vision is to inherently create a project which comprises of virality and humour to ensure that the community will stay interested. We will ensure we market this project such that it brings an atmosphere of joy within all investors. More information will continue to be provided as we reach certain milestones of the project and utilise the budget to further our utilities.
  • Exchange symbol (?): DMD
  • Cryptocurrency type (?): Token (?)

Demonic Doge for developers

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 Source: NOMICS