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What is DungeonSwap?

- We are building a decentralized table-top RPG style web game on the Binance Smart Chain with yield farming features. - Tokenomics is healthy, we have a long term maximum supply of 10,000,000 DND tokens and we burn the tokens via gaming mechanism, so over the long term, your DND Token the currency of DungeonSwap) will only get more worthy - Our unique feature beyond a standard yield-farming is a game called ""The Dungeon"" and ""Boss Battleground"" which the development team is working very hard to develop and hope to serve as a long term feature that generate user satisfaction.

Full description of DungeonSwap

- We are building a Decentralized (?) table-top RPG style web game on the Binance exchange (?) Smart Chain with yield farming features. - Tokenomics is healthy, we have a long term maximum supply of 10,000,000 DND tokens and we burn the tokens via gaming mechanism, so over the long term, your DND Token (?) the currency of DungeonSwap) will only get more worthy - Our unique feature beyond a standard yield-farming is a game called ""The Dungeon"" and ""Boss Battleground"" which the development team is working very hard to develop and hope to serve as a long term feature that generate user satisfaction.
  • Exchange symbol (?): DND
  • Cryptocurrency type (?): Token (?)

DungeonSwap for developers

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 Source: NOMICS