Dogefather (ERC-20) logo

What is Dogefather (ERC-20)?

Rewarding holders! 2% tax on transactions being instantly distributed to all holders! Deflationary With each successive transaction, a tax of 2% will be distributed to the holders and which includes a burn address that is also a part of the protocol which attracts a portion of this 2% distribution.

Full description of Dogefather (ERC-20)

Rewarding holders! 2% tax on transactions being instantly distributed to all holders! Deflationary With each successive transaction, a tax of 2% will be distributed to the holders and which includes a burn Address (?) that is also a part of the protocol which attracts a portion of this 2% distribution. This incentivizes our fellow $Dogefather's to hodl (misspelling of "hold") (?) and decrease market supply overtime. Dogefather Together, we are building a Decentralized (?) transaction network operating on the Ethereum blockchain. $Dogefather, our naturally deflationary Token (?) has a max circulating supply of 100 Quadrillion with half the supply being burned.
  • Exchange symbol (?): DOGEFATHER
  • Cryptocurrency type (?): Token (?)

Dogefather (ERC-20) for developers

Dogefather (ERC-20) social sites

 Source: NOMICS