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What is Doge Spacemoon?

Doge Spacemoon is a next gen memecoin with attitude, running on Binance Smart Chain and powered by the community.

Full description of Doge Spacemoon

Doge Spacemoon is a next gen memecoin with attitude, running on Binance exchange (?) Smart Chain and powered by the community. Wow. As a Token (?) on the next generation Binance blockchain, Doge Spacemoon is a Cryptocurrency (?) that moves at high speeds with low fees. He's eco-friendly too, with dramatically lower energy costs per transaction when compared to memecoins running on last gen proof of work-based blockchains.
  • Exchange symbol (?): DOGES
  • Cryptocurrency type (?): Token (?)

Doge Spacemoon for developers

Doge Spacemoon social sites

 Source: NOMICS