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What is DOGS?

DOGS are the native farming token on The Animal Farm and can be earned in all farms and pools as it's the primary farm reward token. Instead of dumping DOGS on the market, farmers can stake DOGS to earn a greater share of the platform through utilizing their PIGS rewards. DOGS have a 6% base tax on all transactions and an additional 3% tax on selling.

Full description of DOGS

DOGS are the native farming Token (?) on The Animal Farm and can be earned in all farms and pools as it's the primary farm reward token. Instead of dumping DOGS on the market, farmers can stake DOGS to earn a greater share of the platform through utilizing their PIGS rewards. DOGS have a 6% base tax on all transactions and an additional 3% tax on selling.
  • Exchange symbol (?): DOGS
  • Cryptocurrency type (?): Token (?)

DOGS for developers

DOGS social sites

 Source: NOMICS