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What is Dose of ETH?

Built on Binance Smart Chain, offering a huge range of rewards for the new equity blockchain.

Full description of Dose of ETH

Built on Binance exchange (?) Smart Chain, offering a huge range of rewards for the new equity blockchain. It also uses the industry proven 10% tax on transactions: 5% Distributed to holders and 5% Added to liquidity pool. It also emulates a bridge between #ETH and #BSC, offering rewards for the gas you spent in the past. Let's face it: we’ve all been there, when we’ve been extremely frustrated with setting low gas fees and having to deal with a stuck transaction: CryptoKitties, Defi, NFTs, just to name a few. So if you have been suffering from paying outrageous gas fees, we're here for you, offering you The Dose. Holding $DoseX will automatically transform you in a member of our #dosearmada. Dose Metaverse It represents a collective virtual shared space including the sum of all tokens built both on Ethereum and BSC infrastructure. It may also contain derivatives or copies of other cryptocurrencies. It is governed by The Tesseract and it has been created as new equity Blockchain (?) for all #ERC20 & #BEP20 Token (?) holders to receive guaranteed $DoseX rewards. All our rewards are linked to Ethereum's gas and are called Tesseract Events. The Tesseract It is The Governing body of the Dose Metaverse. It is a controversial entity powered by the gas of #ETH and #BSC. Also, current extreme volatility of gas prices can cause fluctuations in the main core, generating Tesseract Events.
  • Exchange symbol (?): DOSEX
  • Cryptocurrency type (?): Token (?)

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 Source: NOMICS