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What is Dowcoin?

Dowcoin is an Ethereum Token which has been developed using Ethereum Blockchain.

Full description of Dowcoin

Dowcoin is an Ethereum Token (?) which has been developed using Ethereum Blockchain. At the initial stage when the ICO (Initial Coin Offering) (?) was launched Dowcoin was an Avergae Token, But Now Dow has Split into DOW & Dow Average Token. And now Dowcoin is a share's of Dow Blockchain (?) Technology. Once the Dow Blockchain is ready, Dowcoin will be used as a Gas for the transactions for all the products on DBT. Dow Blockchain Technology is launching new product's which will be in favour of public interest. DBT is committed to provide cutting edge products which will be much more superior and would cross all the technological barriers with the existing technologies. How does Dowcoin work? Behind the scenes, the Dowcoin network is sharing a public ledger/record called the "blockchain". This record contains each Exchange (or Cryptocurrency exchange) (?) at any point handled enabling a client's PC to confirm the legitimacy of every exchange. The authenticity of each transaction is protected by digital signatures corresponding to the sending addresses, allowing all users to have full control over sending Dowcoins from their own Dowcoin addresses. It is also important to note that Dowcoin was developed on the Ethereum blockchain and as such, the token will be independent and can run without third-party interference.
  • Exchange symbol (?): DOW
  • Cryptocurrency type (?): Token (?)

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 Source: NOMICS