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What is Drax?

The purpose of Drax is as a Liquidity Pool wrapper for the Dark Magic token ecosystem.

Full description of Drax

The purpose of Drax is as a Liquidity Pool wrapper for the Dark Magic Token (?) ecosystem. The concept is to give it significantly more flexibility in future use-cases, as well as possible Exchange (or Cryptocurrency exchange) (?) listings/ease of providing liquidity. Potential secondary use cases include a secondary market for LP’s outside, aggregator listings, self-sustaining ecosystems onboarding, and other gamification elements as we create additional LP wrapper tokens in the ecosystem. To put in in less technical terms: It makes life easier for everyone in managing LP tokens; both for project developers to create value-add and community members. The only way to acquire Drax is to mint it by locking your Dark Magic / axMATIC LP into the Drax smart contract to mint Drax, or buy Drax on a Dex.
  • Exchange symbol (?): DRAX
  • Cryptocurrency type (?): Token (?)

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 Source: NOMICS