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What is Beverage Token?

Beverage Finance is a decentralized asset manager for structured products.

Full description of Beverage Token

Beverage Finance is a Decentralized (?) asset manager for structured products. Similar to Sushi and Yearn, Beverage is a fair launch, no premine project that is governed by the vote of the community. 80% of fees are sold to $DRINK and distributed to $xDRINK stakers. Beverage is developer first, anyone can create a strategy and launch it on Beverage with minimal governance and receive 20% of fees. $DRINK is an ERC-20 Token (?) deployed on the Ethereum blockchain. No max cap for now (same as PancakeSwap), but can be voted by community and changed by governance in the MasterChef contract. $DRINK can be staked in $xDRINK to earn 80% of fees generated from Beverage products (other 20% go to the developer of the strategy). 10% of the emissions accrue to the community treasury which can be voted on by the community on how to spend it.
  • Exchange symbol (?): DRINK
  • Cryptocurrency type (?): Token (?)

Beverage Token for developers

Beverage Token social sites

 Source: NOMICS