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What is Dragon Token?

Dragon Token (DT) is an ERC20 standard token, issued on November 2, 2017, and when held on the exchange will enjoy dividends shared from the total platform revenues.

Full description of Dragon Token

Dragon Token (?) (DT) is an ERC20 standard token, issued on November 2, 2017, and when held on the Exchange (or Cryptocurrency exchange) (?) will enjoy dividends shared from the total platform revenues. DT is mined through means of transactions and are distributed to users based on their transaction volumes. 100% of the trading fees are distributed across the circulating supply of DT and delivered to users according to how much DT they hold. DT has a maximum supply of 37,339,500, not including burned tokens. DT circulating supply represents full entitlement to the revenues collected from the DragonEx platform.
  • Exchange symbol (?): DT
  • Cryptocurrency type (?): Token (?)

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 Source: NOMICS