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What is dHEDGE Stablecoin Yield?

dHEDGE Polygon Stablecoin Yield (dUSD) is a token which algorithmically farms the highest supported stable pool on Polygon, to get the best reputable stablecoin yields on Polygon. The stablecoin yield switches farming pools when higher stable yield opportunities arise over time, ensuring optimal performance. dUSD tokens can be minted by depositing stablecoins through dHEDGE. dHEDGE DAO brings together the best investment managers and automated strategies in DeFi.

Full description of dHEDGE Stablecoin Yield

dHEDGE Polygon Stablecoin Yield (dUSD) is a Token (?) which algorithmically farms the highest supported stable pool on Polygon, to get the best reputable stablecoin yields on Polygon. The stablecoin yield switches farming pools when higher stable yield opportunities arise over time, ensuring optimal performance. dUSD tokens can be minted by depositing stablecoins through dHEDGE. dHEDGE DAO brings together the best investment managers and automated strategies in DeFi.
  • Exchange symbol (?): DUSD
  • Cryptocurrency type (?): Token (?)

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 Source: NOMICS