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What is E-coin Finance?

E-COIN FINANCE is a decentralized & deflationary BEP-20 token that aims to be an online payment platform replacing conventional fiat currency through our integrated debit card.

Full description of E-coin Finance

E-COIN FINANCE is a Decentralized (?) & deflationary BEP-20 Token (?) that aims to be an online payment platform replacing conventional Fiat (?) currency through our integrated debit card. People around the world will be able to make easy, fast, and secure payments using your E-COIN balance. Besides that, you will watch your balance of E-COIN grow up by the reflections of each transaction. We are also aiming to develop our own user-friendly Wallet (?) app where you can securely, store and Exchange (or Cryptocurrency exchange) (?) your favourite crypto’s. This wallet would show all transactions, balances, send, receive cryptos and all other information at your fingertips.
  • Exchange symbol (?): ECOIN
  • Cryptocurrency type (?): Token (?)

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 Source: NOMICS