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What is EtherDelta Token?

The EtherDelta Token (EDT) is the platform token for the EtherDelta cryptocurrency exchange.

Full description of EtherDelta Token

The EtherDelta Token (?) (EDT) is the platform token for the EtherDelta Cryptocurrency (?) exchange. The instrument, as well as the exchange, are well covered in controversy. At the time of this writing, neither the token nor the Exchange (or Cryptocurrency exchange) (?) are associated with transparency or a significant interest from investors. EtherDelta started as one of the most promising Decentralized (?) cryptocurrency exchanges. However, a series of shady events took place, which slowly made it lose ground. The main thing that triggered the exchange’s downfall was its purchase by unknown Chinese owners and a following hacker attack in December 2017. The cybercriminals managed to steal approximately 308 ETH. The new owners tried to avoid publicity to mitigate the users’ unrest. Another questionable decision from their side was the idea to launch an ICO (Initial Coin Offering) (?) with the platform token – EtherDelta Token (EDT) soon after the hacker attack. According to official information from EtherDelta’s website, the EtherDelta Token (EDT) was designed to replicate the functions of Binance’s BNB token. Or in other words – to allow users to pay for transaction fees. The exchange, on the other hand, intended to diversify the use of the token according to the following allocation – 35% for System Development & Operation, 50% for Marketing & Promotion, 15% for Emergency fund. However, at the time of this writing, the official website is no longer accessible to confirm the initial idea. The EDT ICO had the following characteristics: Total supply of the token: 750 000 000 Token sale hard cap: 750 000 000 Rate ETH/EDT: 1:8500 Min 0.1 ETH However, due to multiple factors, such as the poorly structured whitepaper, lack of transparency or public statements from the new owners, and the timing of the ICO (a few days after the hacker attack), the event was presumed by investors as an alternative way to steal from them. This undermined the future of the EDT, and its ICO reached just 3% of its hard cap. Over time, the owners of the exchange came out with other questionable decisions that also contributed to the failure of the token. For example, at first, the EtherDelta exchange was one of the preferred places for ERC-20 token launches. However, the new owners toughened the rules and introduced a requirement for issuers of new tokens to buy EDT and hold it on deposit. The size of the deposit should have been equal to 1 – 3% of the total capitalization of the project, at the time of listing. All this slowly drove investors, interested in the token, away and contributed to its failure. Through the years, EtherDelta was a subject to several investigations, including one from the SEC (in November 2018, the founder, Zachary Coburn, was charged with operating an unregistered exchange) and one from the Chinese police. The latter was due to an alleged exit scam, organized by the Chinese owners of EtherDelta. According to the allegations, the owners of the exchange had organized an EDT token sale with the primary goal to fund an exit scam and close shop afterward. Over time, the EDT lost even the few supporters it had which is why the trading volume dropped so significantly. At the time of this writing, the public opinion towards the token is also very negative with forums like Reddit and Bitcointalk full of user discussions about the risks, associated with investing in EDT.
  • Exchange symbol (?): EDT
  • Cryptocurrency type (?): Token (?)

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 Source: NOMICS