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What is EFT?

EFT token is a yield-farming DEFI token governing the DeFi ecosystem from eclipcity team who is currently providing DeFi services such as Uswap DEX, UME yield-farming, Uswap NFT marketplace and much more.

Full description of EFT

EFT Token (?) is a yield-farming DeFi (Decentralized Finance) (?) token governing the DeFi ecosystem from eclipcity team who is currently providing DeFi services such as Uswap DEX, UME yield-farming, Uswap NFT (Non-Fungible Token) (?) marketplace and much more. It has a total supply of 55,000 and the EFT have all been distributed through yield farming to liquidity providers at https://uswap.me DEX protocol. You can use EFT to provide liquidity and farm UME which is the governance token over Uswap DEX exchange. EFT holds governance right over the development of the eclipcity ecosystem and EFT allows you to stake and earn profits generated in the ecosystem of eclipcity.
  • Exchange symbol (?): EFT
  • Cryptocurrency type (?): Token (?)

EFT for developers

EFT social sites

 Source: NOMICS