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What is EGOH Finance?

EGOH isn’t like any other token out there.

Full description of EGOH Finance

EGOH isn’t like any other Token (?) out there. We are a community-oriented token, built on the idea that we are all devs. EGOH Finance got its start when several long-time HOGE developers got together and thought about ways to further enhance the experience for Crypto (?) investors. EGOH is a deflationary and autostaking token that brings you the best of both ecosystems. Just by holding EGOH in your BSC Wallet (?) you will receive HOGE rewards! Tokenomics: 5% HOGE Reflections back to all EGOH holders 2% EGOH Marketing Wallet 2% EGOH Auto-LP 1% EGOH Auto-Burn EGOH supports HOGE with passion. Join us.
  • Exchange symbol (?): EGOH
  • Cryptocurrency type (?): Token (?)

EGOH Finance for developers

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 Source: NOMICS