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What is E-leven?

E-LEVEN TOKEN (ELV) a token developed by the e-leven group, With a fixed supply of 11 million Tokens, E-LEVEN (ELV) integrates what we will henceforth call Crypto Stock Market.

Full description of E-leven

E-LEVEN Token (?) (ELV) a token developed by the e-leven group, With a fixed supply of 11 million Tokens, E-LEVEN (ELV) integrates what we will henceforth call Crypto (?) Stock Market. E-leven (ELV) is presented as the solution to the excessive commissions that Brokers charge when receiving Cryptocurrencies from investors or Traders who come to seek a competitive, supportive, fair and transparent scenario.
  • Exchange symbol (?): ELV
  • Cryptocurrency type (?): Token (?)

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 Source: NOMICS