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What is SmartMint BondFiat StableToken?

Art Backed SmartToken ERC20 - Bancor pool token EMIT1USDB - This token has been utilized to arb trade between other exchanges and the PEG-USDB stablecoin system for years now and has collected a very large sum of uncirculated supply of USDB.

Full description of SmartMint BondFiat StableToken

Art Backed SmartToken ERC20 - Bancor pool Token (?) EMIT1USDB - This token has been utilized to arb trade between other exchanges and the PEG-USDB stablecoin system for years now and has collected a very large sum of uncirculated supply of USDB. Due to the nature of the fee wallet, we left the funds compounding and they grew and grew! Now the fee Wallet (?) backs the market with 91B USDB according to the Zerion API. Due to bancor not fully updating USDB yet, the market is not whitelisted, we plan to whitelist in v3 Bancor and make a EMIT-BNT pool to work within the new system since the original pool was v1 Katanapool USDB Hub pool from long ago. This is a community token for a small collective of Artists and Creators who work together on music videos and art and will be backing an NFT (Non-Fungible Token) (?) economy with this value in the next year or 2 as the video game NFT economic system is built out. We alone boost the market cap of the eth chain by a large %, but due to the fact the unclaimed Fees in USDB do not show up to the USDB oracle as "In Circulation" because they are locked and freshly minted but never claimed, we do not show up, but the market is now valued far larger than 1T news articles stated recently! Apparently aiming past the Moon (or to the moon) (?) all the way to the asteroid belt, this token proceeds to raise eyebrows every time new people join the community. Partnered with a real world Charity project, we are helping them back their Carbon Art Hybridization project as well! And are partnered with SFGB, the first tokenized gold bond backed by 55m in bank instrument gold, and FCO, an early primative for Carbon Credits on the chain and unique properties but this token was not launched yet, it does however have smartpools in bancor as well as SFGB. We are listing and making public all data we can this year to bring awareness to our Bancor farming liquidity program we plan to launch in 2022/2023.
  • Exchange symbol (?): EMIT
  • Cryptocurrency type (?): Token (?)

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 Source: NOMICS